Massage Client Testimonials - Rachel Harlan

Below are client testimonials for Rachel Harlan, a practitioner of Myofascial Release Massage in Mayfield village, OH. She can be reached at 419-217-9643

I have been a victim of fibromyalgia for 10 years. "Victim" because my life has not been mine to control. Flare up would occur at any given time. I was afraid to make long range plans or take on a project around the house or chase after my grandchildren.

Rachel is a healer. I felt immediate relief after one treatment. For the first time in many years my posture was excellent, my lungs we able to take in more air, my body was more flexible, movement was more fluid and I did NOT ache.

A couple of weeks later I began to tighten up so I rescheduled another appointment. The results from the second treatment lasted even longer. I did not go back for almost a month.

Once Rachel did her magic the results were amazing. She gave me my life back. I was able to do projects and activities I couldn't even consider over the past several years – since the onset of fibromyalgia.

I haven't seen Rachel for the past few months. I've been traveling, playing with my grandchildren, and working on projects around the house. Overall I have taken charge of my life and body. And with all of these activities it is time for a maintenance session. Off to Rachel.

A victim no more!

Dorothy Little

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