Massage Therapists Testimonials

Here are a few highlights from the many testimonials we get from massage therapists who began using Myofascial Release Massage.

To read more, please use the menu at the right hand side where the letters are organized by the conditions that were addressed.

Testimonials from Massage Therapists - excerpts

Not only did I take your seminar for credit hours but because everyone I asked said it was incredible. What an understatement!

I not only have seen tremendous results from the work but the confidence I gained through your style of teaching and encouragement throughout the seminar is something I'll treasure and remember during my career as an LMT.
Jill Perline
Cortland, Ohio

Never before have I attended such a meaningful program. Your program has changed my approach in my practice. I could write for days about the wonders and benefits of this bodywork.

Your classes greatly expanded my client/patient base in a very short time.
Judith A. Fields
New Milford, CT

I really enjoyed both weekend classes and couldn't believe how the time flew by. The strokes and techniques you taught us are wonderful and so effective.

My clients are appreciating my new found talents and I am almost becoming famous in my community.
Wanda Boorky
Pomfret Center, CT

I have used myofascial release work on most of the people I have seen since the workshop. I tend to use at least a few strokes mixed into the whole session. The results are too far reaching to exclude them and the benefits to clients are amazing.

In all cases, everyone feels quite a bit different.
Susan P. Lewis
Amherst, MA

I just wanted to let you know that I did your myofascial release on my friend at work. His arm seemed to be sore from "golfer's elbow." Afterwards he was amazed with the results. He went to hit balls that night.

Since then his golfing score has greatly improved, he's hitting farther than before.
Renee Vinocur
Orange, Ohio

I registered for this course because it was the only course being offered that would meet my scheduling limitations. What a great surprise it was! This was the best course that I have attended since my graduation in 1994.

I would highly recommend this course to every practicing massage therapist and every student who would like to be a great massage therapist.
Scott French
Salem, MA