Posture 1

Testimonials from Howard's Massage Clients

Pages: 12

Dear Howard,

Your treatment has made such a difference in the way that I can carry my body at age 66. Before your body work, it was impossible for me to straighten my spine and stand or sit up straight, even as I became more and more aware of my hunched over asana, which seems to be genetic, as I see it happening in my mother.

Since that time of your treatment, and presently, there are physical obstructions definitely removed, such that it is a new ability to take a deep breath and feel the body being allowed to straighten from the head down to the bodily base, sitting, standing, or walking. This is very encouraging, and I am very grateful for your attention and service.

love, Barbara

I recently was greatly served by Howard's bodywork. I feel his integrated and holistic approach is comphrensive, but also specific and most importantly, effective. He helped me a lot with a chronic structural and postural problem through his excellent manipulations.

But Howard also gave me a way to be responsible for the bad pattern in the body I had developed, through some simple exercises and posture changes. Altogether, I highly recommend Howard as one of the best bodyworkers out there, and I have seen quite a few.

Michael Shaw

After Hellerwork, not only could I stand up straight, I learned an easier more efficient way to walk.

To: Howard Rontal
From: Bill Krenz
Re: Hellerwork

Dear Howard,

I wanted to more formally express my thanks for the work that you did on me. I have been slumped over for years and even an active exercise program could not seem to make any positive improvements. Any attempt to stand straight felt unnatural. I had resigned myself to this condition and hoped only that over time it would not deteriorate much more.

So I was very pleasantly surprised when you offered to straighten me out. I was even more surprised when you not only did this, but accomplished the entire transformation in a few short sessions. What has been more helpful, however, was your instruction on how to maintain these changes through correct posture and further move my particular bodily aberrations into alignment with relatively simple, non-time consuming exercises. These are easily fit into my busy schedule and make a great difference.

Thank you for Your service.

It has finally become natural for me to stand and sit with correct posture.

Pages: 12